The Prime Minister has made it absolutely clear that we should stay a home to protect ourselves, our family and friends from the virus, to save lives and to take the pressure off the NHS.
You should
- Work from home if you can and employers should encourage it
- Stay at least two metres apart if you do need to go out
- Use public transport only if essential
- Not visit your GP in person – use the phone or go online
- Not send your child to school unless you are a key worker
- Not attend family or public gatherings
- Go out for short walks only if you respect the two metre rule
- Not buy more food and other essentials than you need to ensure supplies for others
Up to 1.5 million identified by the NHS as being extremely vulnerable – those with specific underlying health conditions – will be receiving letters this week to tell them to stay at home for at least 12 weeks and not to go out at all. This group will receive detailed advice on behalf of their GP practice or specialist on how best to protect themselves. There will be a helpline so people know exactly how to care for themselves and others in the coming months.
There will be a new Local Support System set up to ensure those individuals self-isolating at home and who are without a support network of friends and family will receive basic groceries and medicine.
The Prime Minister and scientific experts believe that we can turn the tide against coronavirus in the next twelve weeks if people keep to this set of rules.
Each one of us has a crucial role to play in delaying the spread of the virus, making sure we stay at home if they have coronavirus symptoms or, if someone in their household does, washing your hands more regularly and pulling together at this time of emergency
You can find the up to date guidance on social distancing here:
You can find the up to date medical advice here: