Arrangements have been made with three local dental practices to provide appointments for all patients who have previously been seen at the Bondgate Dental Practice in Helmsley. This may mean some patients have to travel a short distance, but I am told that appointments have been ringfenced specifically for those patients.
If you were a patient at the Bondgate surgery you should have received a letter from NHS England to explain how you can access urgent dental care at one of these practices. Unfortunately regular dental care is not currently being provided. However, when routine, regular dental care does resume you will be able to access this at the same three practices.
This is a time limited, temporary arrangement whilst NHS England undertakes a procurement for a new primary care dental service which will be located in Helmsley. This new clinic will be commissioned to open in 2021.
If you have any problems accessing these temporary arrangements please get in touch with my office. I will continue to keep the pressure on NHS England to make sure a permanent solution is found as soon as possible.